Thursday, March 13, 2008

PAST: Split this Rock! Poetry Festival combines Activism and Poetry, in DC THURS March 20th - SUN March 23rd, see details...

Activism, poetry, affordability - Split This Rock Poetry Festival has it all! We're planning four days of poetry, discussion, and inspiration, culminating with Poetry in the Streets Sunday afternoon, March 23. Bring a line of poetry to read as we create a spontaneous oral group poem for peace in front of the White House. Details are below.

Many other activities are planned in DC next week to mark the fifth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. On Wednesday, March 19, activists are engaging in direct action throughout the city. We're passing on details about Soapbox Poetry, an opportunity to give heart to those risking arrest.

We also invite you to explore the special feature on Split This Rock over at Foreign Policy in Focus, the "think tank without walls."

There's still plenty of time to register for Split This Rock, the historic gathering of activist poets. We've extended the early registration rates until March 15, so register today and save!

Discount student passes are available for $40 in advance. Also, day passes are available for $25 on Friday and Saturday and some events will have passes for $8, $5 student. See website for full info.

For peace,

Sarah Browning, Melissa Tuckey, Regie Cabico, Jaime Jarvis
Executive Coordinating Committee

Split This Rock Poetry Festival
March 20-23, 2008
Complete schedule is online

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