Friday, March 7, 2008

PAST: Event Lineup for Interfaith Peace Witness! Friday March 7th from 8:30am - 4:30pm

Friday, March 7th
In order of events:

Learn about The Global Marshall Plan

8:30 - 11:00am - David Hart, new NSP Director of Advocacy and Outreach
Dupont Circle, Church of the Pilgrims, 2201 P Street, NW
On 22nd Street, between P & Q, 3 blocks west of the Dupont Circle metro stop

Spiritual Services

12:00 Noon - 1:30, Spiritual Services, see complete list below

1:30 - 2:15, Muslim prayers will take place in Upper Senate Park

Interfaith Peace Witness

2:30 - 4:30, Upper Senate Park

Located on Constitution Ave. between Delaware and New Jersey Avenues

If you can only make one part of the Interfaith Peace Witness, please join us at 2:30 at the Upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill - on Constitution Avenue between Delaware and New Jersey Avenues. This gathering will include big name speakers and religious leaders with plenty of music and prayer. It sounds like it will be great! NSP members and supporters will be joining together by our brand new NSP banners.

Complete schedule of events and speakers are listed below or online at:

Worship and Prayer Locations: 12:00 Noon

Shalom Service
Rabbi Arthur Waskow

Methodist Office Building, 110 Maryland Ave, NE
Near the Senate Office Building

Muslim Jummah Prayer
Dr. Sayyid Syeed
Time: 12:30 – 1:15
Upper Senate Park
Constitution Ave between Delaware and New Jersey Aves

Unitarian Universalist Service
Rev. Bill Sinkford

All Soul’s Church, 16th and Harvard St, NW
Bus: S2 or S4 bus from 16th St from downtown
Metro: 3 blocks from Green Line, Columbia Heights metro stop

Ecumenical Service and Gospel Music
Mark Lomax, Sharon Delgado & Celeste Zappala
Lincoln Congregational Temple U.C.C., 1701 11th St, NW
Metro: 3 blocks from Green Line, Shaw Howard University metro stop

Ecumenical Service including the Sacrament of Communion & Taize Music
J.Daryl Byler & Beth Pyles
Church of the Brethren, 337 North Carolina Ave, SE, at the corner of 4th St.
Metro: 2.5 blocks east of Capitol South metro stop

Ecumenical Service with Susan B. Thistlethwaite, Graylan Hagler & Cliff Kindy including the Sacrament of Communion and Iona & Mennonite Hymn Singing. Location: Capitol Hill Presbyterian, 201 4th St. SE (Fourth and Independence Ave. near Capitol South metro stop)

Quaker meeting with Peter Lems, All Welcome
Friends Meeting House of Washington, 2111 Florida Ave, NW
Metro: Dupont Circle metro stop
(from metro Q St exit, walk north (uphill) on Connecticut Ave 2.5 blocks,
turn left onto Florida, walk 1⁄2 block to Meetinghouse on the right)

Episcopal Service including the Sacrament of the Eucharist, All Welcome
Michael Battle & Noah Baker Merrill
Christ Episcopal Church; 620 G St, SE
Metro: Eastern Market metro stop

Emergent worship including the Sacrament of Communion, All Welcome
with Brian McLaren, Gilda Carbonaro & The Cobalt Season band
New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Ave, NW
Intersections of H St, 14th St, and New York Ave, NW
Metro: near McPherson Square metro stop

Catholic Mass, All Welcome
Bishop Martin Holley presiding
speakers Sr. Anne Curtis & Joshua Casteel

St. Aloysius Church, corner of North Capitol and I St, NW
900 Block of North Capitol St. NW; 19 “Eye” St
Metro: near Union Station Metro

10,000 Feet of Hope:

As worship participants leave their places of worship, those with sections to add to the “rope of hope” will be invited to lead the procession (walking or by metro) to Upper Senate Park. As you arrive at Upper Senate Park, please carry the sections of rope to the area near the stage, where they will be joined with others from prayer and worship services around the city and across the country. Two Ropes will be created and will fan out to either side of the crowd from the stage, creating a contained space and feeling of unity as we gather from a variety of faith traditions. As the public witness ends, the two ropes will continue our witness of unity as we process to the Cannon and Hart Office Buildings.

Interfaith Peace Witness:

Complete Schedule

2:30 - 4:30, Upper Senate Park

Located on Constitution Ave. between Delaware and New Jersey Avenues

Musical Gathering;

Musical Call to Intention – Sharon Abreu, Hawah Kasat, Native Deen

Welcoming Invocation

Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon NCC

Why We Are Here

Rabbi David Saperstein
Rev. James Forbes
Ms Asma Mirza
Fr. Louie Vitale, Letter to be read by Franciscan Fr. Joe Nangle
Musical Response

Lifting Up Our Spirits to the Work and its Success

Dr. Sayyid Syeed, ISNA
Rev. Bill Sinkford, UUA
Rev. Bob Edgar, Common Cause
Ms. Sammie Moshenberg, National Council of Jewish Women
Chris Montone, Director of Shambhala Center, D.C. Buddhist

Parting Blessings – Commissioning a Delegation

Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Shalom Center – OBIPP
Samina Faheem Sundas, American Muslim Voice
And other religious leaders…

Musical Closure and Send Off --

Sharon Abreu, One Common Unity/HawaH

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