Monday, March 3, 2008

PAST: Free Interactive Workshop on "The Global Marshall Plan" Thurs eve, March 6th and Fri morning, March 7th

"Interactive Workshop on The Global Marshall Plan"

The Global Marshall Plan is premised on the notion that generosity and solidarity with all peoples are better routes to homeland security than are domination and control.

The Network for Spiritual Progressives new Director of Advocacy and Outreach, David A. Hart is incredibly passionate about this and has even posted a short video on YouTube if you want to check it out! Look under "NSPdavid" when you search.

This free workshop will be offered twice as part of the national Interfaith Peace Witness:

Thursday eve, March 6th, 6:30 - 9:00pm
by Jerry Raitzyk and Ruth Alice White, NSP MD Leaders

Friday morning, March 7th, 8:30 - 11:00am
by David Hart, NSP Director of Advocacy and Outreach

Locations are still to be determined. For current information and an overview of the entire event, please visit: and click on workshops and register to participate online for free.

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